There are still may good people in Fly Fishing, but over the years their numbers have deminished...

Now most of the Fly Shops us fly anglers use to visit and purchase fly fishing gear, materials, and got good advise on our purchases have disappeared.... sign of the economy?

Just like everything else that was once made in the U.S.A., now it is built overseas....

Even the fly shops that still exist, no longer stock all the stuff we use to buy. They are holding on by their finger-nails...

Yes there are slob fly anglers, that go out and fish and fish some more...thinking that they are not hurting the level of fish in our waters by catching and releasing a 100 fish in one day on the water...

Then there are others who keep everything they catch to help feed their families through these hard times in America.

I speak the truth....I alway have....and I do not apologize for speaking the truth! ~Parnelli