Crappie feed heavily on the young of the year ( YOY) minnows. The BS fly imitates the spawn of Bluegills and Sunfish (BS) Tie it on a 2X long, size 8 or 10 hook, with a substantial bead head ranging from Copper (my favorite) through gold to silver depending on water clarity and color of the YOY. Tie in a maribou tail ranging from near white to dark olive (my favorite) and then add Estaz wound on as a body and again dark peacock is my favorite. Tie in a maribou wing a shade or two darker than the tail and a maribou throat ranging from white to yellow and finally on to a bright orange (my favorite). ( for the throat I usally use the bits of fluff found at the base of bigger streamer feathers.) Fish almost motionless under a strike indicator and this fly will often outfish jigs, minnows or both.