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Thread: An Aweful Day. An Iraq War Vet and Friend Has Overdosed and Died

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default An Aweful Day. An Iraq War Vet and Friend Has Overdosed and Died

    today at 10:30am I was informed that my friend, fellow Veteran, vet of the war in Iraq and coworker had overdosed on his meds and died. I am told that he knew what he was doing and refused medical treatment but details are sketchy right now. Bill Reichwine was a Soldier in the 82nd Airborne deployed to Iraq in as part of the spearhead of the initial thrust through the country.

    Bill was badly wounded when the truck in front of him was struck by an RPG (rocket propelled grenade). He suffered multiple shrapnel wounds along with massive closed head trauma. Bill was slowly regaining the memories of what happened to him over there. He saw the men in that truck blown to bits just before he went unconscious. Bill recently finally been able to open up to myself and other vets who help one another.The VA answer was to give a desperately depressed man with document drug and alcohol problems more pills to take then send him home time after time.

    Recently bill suffered a set back due to some other influences like family matters and some jerks at work. I discovered this when I saw him chewing up his pills or grinding them into a powder before taking the drug. The added pressures had brought back the PTSD flashbacks and nightmares. He was 100% disabled but the VA refused further help. I thought he was improved a bit over the last few days. Now I realize that he had made a decision. He must have decided to end the horrors himself. He left behind a fiance, a daughter along with parents and such.

    I am really so down tonight. I must go to work tomorrow because the mission goes on and military personnel continue the fight to victory without stopping after a comrade has fallen. United we stand, Divided we fall. Bill wouldn't have it any other way either. We also fond out that the husband of our freight tech has just days at the most to live. they have kids too. I have to go now as my heart is shattered and I am fighting mighty hard to hold back the tears.

    To anyone here that suffers from PTSD don't hold it in. PM box is always open. You are not alone.

    Lord give me strength as tomorrow will be rough.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    Although this is heartbreaking for you, you must continue on and keep the Faith. He created you and He knows what you can handle and He will guide you through this rough time. The soldiers are depending on you and you must not let them down. Continue the fight and set the example of being strong no matter what is dealt at you. I know you can handle it and He knows you can handle it or He would not have put you in this situation.

    Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I know you can make it through with His help.....
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    Eric, you've asked the right person for strength. Only the Lord can give you what you need. I'll keep you in my prayers my friend.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    savannah, georgia


    I've been living with PTSD for decades. The symptoms don't get less severe or go away. My ability to manage the disorder has improved over time. There are good times and bad times, and the progress comes as the good continues to outpace the bad over time. You can have a happy, meaningful, and fruitful life with PTSD. The vast majority of Vietnam vets with PTSD are well-adjusted guys with successful careers and loving families, enjoying their retirement nowadays. It just takes time and persistence. Winning this battle is about endurance.

    I'm sorry about your friend. Too many...way too many. But the ones we know personally are devastating. I know what you're going through, brother. It happens to me with some regularity because my whole family and most friends are military and vets, and I've done so much volunteer work with wounded troops and disabled vets and developed relationships with many of those guys and gals. We even lost one of our AFFI certified instructors who was a disabled vet from OIF earlier this year. Sometimes it is due to inadequate treatment or poor access to care, and sometimes it seems nothing could stop the slide into the abyss. But I do know this: since 2007 when I began teaching wounded troops and disabled vets to fly fish and tie flies, I've met probably five hundred with PTSD and know of a couple thousand. Of them all, I have heard of only one who took his own life.

    There is an old saying that days spent fishing are not subtracted from the days of one's life span...or each day spent fishing God adds to one's life. We don't hear of too many fly anglers committing suicide...certainly nowhere near the national average for civilians, and definitely nothing like the horrific numbers we see for combat vets diagnosed with PTSD.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Speedway, IN


    We have been visiting my son, who spent 27 months in Iraq. While his experiences were not as traumatic as your friend's he has still been impacted. Our condolences to your friend, his family, friends, and you. We always seem to ask too much of our young soldiers.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New York


    My condolences to your friends family his friends, and you.


  7. #7


    I have dealt with PTSD for 43 years,one day at a time,one moment at a time.The system has not worked well for me but the brotherhood has.If i can ever help someone please PM me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    My Prayers go out to those left behind.
    You know that you & Amy are ALWAYS in my thoughts & Prayers.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  9. #9


    Thank you all and please continue to support this thread.There is nothing worse than feeling alone.Finally realizing there is support and others out there was the beginning of my healing,a long road

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    Took me a while to respond. First, Eric, hang tough, Bro. Let yourself grieve over this one, something we didn't have time to do before. It's really all right to do that.

    I've been battling PTSD since serving in Viet Nam in '65, '66, '67, '70, 71 and '72. Fortunately, I stayed in the Army until 1988 where I was just another crazy Paratrooper. When I retired in August of 1988 I went from being First Sergeant to Mister overnight. That's when it started to get bad. A PTSD program at American Lake VA Hospital in the early "90's helped some, and the meds also take the edge off. Still, there are good days and some bad days. Thanksgiving is one of the bad ones for me. If you wonder why, google Hill 875 in Viet Nam.

    That's about all I can put on "paper" right now.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

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