Chubby one,
So our barometer is your barometer?
I come here often as well, and dream of the calming nature, of nature. Fishing can be fishing even if you can only read and dream. This place oozes the pulse of people who love flyfishing, which spatters on both side of the bait.
Thanks for sharing your interest, that is what we flyfishers look for! Show an intrest and will put on an interesting show. This sport is more than sport. It's friendships and fasination and tradition.
We need to preserve the old traditions, you know,the ones that make families and friends.
Because these new traditions that show up in,all part of the world may put us all on the endangered species list!
Back to fishing. Visit often and get a free patch of peace. And keep talking, mabey you'll find someone near you that will help get to a stream of pleasure or cast a rod with the wings of a dove.
To fly,to dream,to fish!
Have a day.....jeff


[This message has been edited by flyme (edited 08 April 2006).]