... on these leaders.

First, it does look like these leaders will last almost forever. I've fished the 4X version quite a bit and it shows no sign of wear, except it has faded a bit from black to a dark gray.

Second, the 3X version has proven too heavy for my liking, even on the 7 wt rod. I've gone to the 4X version for that rod and it works just fine, both for a wide range of dry flies and large nymphs under an indicator.

Third, the matter of stretch is a personal preference thing, and I do tend to prefer the stretch that I get with thread furled leaders. That, and more "slack" in a thread leader compared the Extreme Tippet leaders which tend to lay out much straighter to the fly, have some advantages for the type of fishing I do. Particularly cutthroat trout fishing since cutts are a bit slower to the fly and to take the fly.

I do like these leaders for some situations. If you find the material on sale for a good price, you might want to put your own twist on it.
