Doug makes some very good points. In order to develop the skills necessary with fly fishing tackle to catch fish, one must practise! There seldom is "instant gratification" when fishing with fly gear. Perhaps we should just be honest and up front with the newcomer. We need to communicate with them the inherent challenges to fly fishing. Not that it is really that hard, but rather that it requires focus and a level of intensity that they may have not channeled before in their previous fishing experience. One of the biggest challanges a new comer faces is merely getting past their pre-conceived notions about fly fishing and how dificult it is. Sucess with the long rod comes when a person has developed a set of skills that bring them to a point where they are comfortable fishing fly gear. They must embrace the idea that dedication is required to attain a level of mastery of skills that will build their confidence. As they become more confident, they will enjoy the results so much the more!
