That is pretty funny Steve for sure.

What I learned is that for beginners to do a roll cast, I need to emphasize that they "punch" the wall to get the line to lift off of the water.

I taught one of my pastors who's bucket list included fly fishing to cast in one day and then we went fishing where he caught his first trout. Basic fly fishing is not that hard.

Fly fishing has levels of difficulty. If I can use an analogy, it is a lot like learning to fly an airplane. Taking off and landing a single engine prop plane in good weather is not that difficult. But ramp that up to multiple engines, then commercial jet engines, then jet fighters, then jet fighters on an air craft carriers at night, and you have something akin to comparing basic fly fishing to highly technical fly fishing.

In my view, it is not really fair to compare the discussions about the technical fly fishing as prototypical of basic fly fishing. In my view we are not making fly fishing more difficult at all. What we are doing is exploring all the skill levels of fly fishing, from the simplest to the highly technical.