It was one lady but yes, that was me talking about the death of a person in a home invasion style bear attack.

vmabuck it's cool and to you I apologize.
No problem man. It is a touchy subject sometimes.

This is the old woman's story:

Bear Kills 93 Year-Old
New Mexico Woman
By Joe Garner

The 100-pound elderly woman didn't have a chance against a 275-pound bear in the kitchen of her home, wildlife officials point to bears desperate for food as the
continuing cause of people-bear incidents Page 2 of 18

A 93-year-old New Mexico woman was mauled to death by a black bear that broke into her home over the weekend, stunned wildlife officials have confirmed. Adelia Maestas Trujillo of Cleveland, in north-central New Mexico, was killed "by multiple bite injuries," said Scott Wilson, associate director of the Office of Medical Investigator.

?I've never heard of someone being killed in their home by a bear.? ? Don MacCarter, New Mexico Game and Fish Department

Trujillo, a great-grandmother who lived alone, was found Saturday morning, Aug. 18, on her kitchen floor when her son, Raymond Trujillo, came from his nearby home
to check on her, authorities said.

"From our preliminary investigation, she was asleep during the night, when she heard a disturbance and went to investigate," Wilson said. "At that point, the bear
pushed out the screen door and came at her through the window in the door. There was little evidence of a struggle."

Wildlife officials said the attack was unusual but shows black bears in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado are desperate for food. Spring frosts and summer drought have killed off choke cherries, service berries and acorns, which make up the animals' summer and fall diet.

"I've been here 18 years, and I've never heard of someone being killed in their home by a bear before now," said Don MacCarter, spokesman for the New Mexico Game
and Fish Department. "But just like in Colorado, we're seeing bears in the towns and on the highways." ?Trujillo was an elderly woman who weighed in the vicinity of 100 pounds (and) who didn't have a chance against a 275-pound bear? ? John Sanchez, Sheriff

New Mexico wildlife officials had been planning a meeting Thursday to deal with bear-people confrontations even before Trujillo's death. "Her death shows you how
desperate the bears have become," MacCarter said. Mora County Sheriff John Sanchez said Trujillo "was an elderly woman who weighed in the vicinity of 100
pounds (and) who didn't have a chance against a 275- pound bear."

Trackers with dogs found a bear they believe was the attacking animal and killed it Saturday afternoon. The bear was less than a half-mile from Trujillo's rural home,
which lies on an acre of land in a community of 500 to 800 residents. The animal's carcass is being tested, Sanchez said.

"You hear lots of different stories that she was cooking, but she wasn't," the sheriff said. "We're still investigating, but the bear might have been hurt and she spooked him." In Colorado, bears have been seen near malls and schools. As many as 16 sightings were reported in one night this month in Trinidad, Colo., said Todd
Malmsbury, spokesman for the state Division of Wildlife. Bear attacks also have been reported at campgrounds this summer, Malmsbury said, but "We haven't had a person killed in their home by a bear in the last 100 years."

This is not new for us here in NM. this year has been terribly dry and record setting for forest fires. The last I heard we had put down some 145 problem bears this year and it will only get worse in the fall as they desperately forage for that winter bulk. My friend keeps having his bear come closer and get braver and braver. The GFD tried a live trap with no success and they have already told him to shoot it if it comes around again and I agree.

He has three kids and a wife. He has confronted the bear twice now and he is pushing his luck because one of these times that bear will be desperate enough to fight instead of flee...