Of trout, my favorite was always brookies, but we don't get brookies here in NZ. Ok, I admit they are around, they are just very rare and I've never met anyone who has caught one. Anyway, the rainbows and browns here are both very good. They feed on a lot of crayfish, so they tend to develope a good pink flesh. As I understand it, the "muddy" flavour that trout can sometimes have is due to a protein in their system, it's not actually "mud" but it may be diet related so sometimes fish from a particular area will tend to taste "muddy". If you keep some fish, and if you have the time, make a brine solution and put your cleaned trout in that, soak them overnight in the fridge in it, and this will remove any "muddy" flavour. The next morning pan fry them in butter or baccon greese, skin on, and they will be sweet and tasty!

- Jeff