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Thread: Really...bad form...

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Los Angeles, CA, / Pullman, WA


    My point is that the Casters Fly Shop in NC had this pattern up as "designed and tied by" one Luke Fastabend...(see the bottom photo in my post). FAOL was kind enough to feature this pattern as a fly of the week about a year ago...I linked my post to their FB page and was messaged that it has been taken down from their site...they also suggested that I should also ck. with the 100th monkey...Luke Fastabend...He does not want to meet my partner, who is currently in his (Luke's) hometown of Vancouver, BC...


    Last edited by planettrout; 07-18-2011 at 06:56 PM.
    Daughter to Father, "How many arms do you have, how many fly rods do you need?"

  2. #2


    Well gee the bad boy got caught. Goody for you <G> That really is a problem, we discussed it recently with nephew Tom, the "younger" guides and fly shop gurus have no sense of honor (among other things.) AND they think if they find something on the Internet it belongs to them. Duh. Wrong, again.

  3. #3


    As I have already said elsewhere today, all fly recipes on my web-site are free to anybody. I do not believe anyone can own a fly pattern, anymore than somebody can copyright human DNA. Anyone who wants to use any pictures is welcome, although it is nice and polite to give acknowledgement.

    A few years ago, I saw an article in a well know US fly fishing magazine in which a fly, using a body of peacock herl, a brown hen hackle and brown thread claimed this to be his new wonder fly. I don't think he was actually copyrighting it, but he was certainly setting himself up for a lot of abuse. Had he never heard of Sylvester Nemes, James Leisenring, Pritt and centuries of North Country Trout flies.
    He and they are not unique to the US, this one stuck in my mind because of the simplicity of the recipe. We are no better over here.
    Last edited by Donald Nicolson; 07-19-2011 at 12:27 PM.
    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Los Angeles, CA, / Pullman, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by Donald Nicolson View Post
    As I have already said elsewhere today, all fly recipes on my web-site are free to anybody. I do not believe anyone can own a fly pattern, anymore than somebody can copyright human DNA. Anyone who wants to use any pictures is welcome, although it is nice and polite to give acknowledgement.

    A few years ago, I saw an article in a well know US fly fishing magazine in which a fly, using a body of peacock herl, a brown hen hackle and brown thread claimed this to be his new wonder fly. I don't think he was actually copyrighting it, but he was certainly setting himself up for a lot of abuse. Had he never heard of Sylvester Nemes, James Leisenring, Pritt and centuries of North Country Trout flies.
    He and they are not unique to the US, this one stuck in my mind because of the simplicity of the recipe. We are no better over here.
    I happen to agree that one probably may not be able to "own" a fly pattern. What fried my bacon, was another person presenting this particular pattern as their own original design and SELLING it as such. Whenever I post a pattern on my BLOG, I do my utmost to credit the original designer - if known. I indicated in my final message, to Dave Hise, the owner/operator of the Casters Fly Shop, to "just spell my name right." The sister program of of my main program, AA - teaches me when to say "NO" - it's about boundaries. For me, THAT was a boundary crossed...

    Best my friend !!!

    Last edited by planettrout; 07-19-2011 at 01:12 PM.
    Daughter to Father, "How many arms do you have, how many fly rods do you need?"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Northern California


    Quote Originally Posted by planettrout View Post
    I happen to agree that one probably may not be able to "own" a fly pattern. What fried my bacon, was another person presenting this particular pattern as their own original design and SELLING it as such. Whenever I post a pattern on my BLOG, I do my utmost to credit the original designer - if known.[SNIP]
    Sadly, this is a minority view, and one I share as well. I've seen young and old tiers claim credit for work that was not theirs, sometimes unintentionally, more often on purpose. The only way to stop this is to not share your patterns with anyone, but what would be the fun in that. If you are going to post patterns on a blog, then you can only expect this happen. This is no where near the most egregious rip-off I've seen, and this problem is as old as fly tying itself, I imagine.

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