Thanks for offering to help with this bobbyjo. I will let you know more after we finally settle on the "when". I was afraid that July and August may be too hot and the water would be too warm then. I have no problem with October but it would have to be sometime in the first week. According to Sharon, owner of Dock's Motel, after the leaves start to turn colors, Townsend and all the roads in the moutains become "bumper to bumper" with people. I think I will send an e-mail to Byron, owner of Little River Outfitter's Fly Shop, and see what month he would recommend for us and will report what he tells me. I know that I will be going again sometime in June. I have a very good friend here that builds rods and is now in Florida fishing the salt and he will be returning sometime the first part of June and the 2 of us will be making the trip to Townsend to fish a couple days plus we have a guided smallmouth trip here to take when he gets back.

I will get back with you all and let you know what Byron tells me.

Gigmaster - Is there a good time for you to make the trip? I would love for you to entertain again if you don't mind.