yes, i did notice the unemployment level.

as of yesterday, it just went up by 125,000 people, as GM and Delphi plan to cut that many jobs.

and since i belong to a union, i will refrain from commenting much about the cost of union labor. i will say, however, that while some unions may be corrupt and some have driven prices up, most of them simply fight to keep jobs here in the u.s. and allow people to make a living wage.

banding together in unions provides wage workers with the only real protection they can ever expect.

but those folks who dislike unions can take heart... many unions are getting busted in this era, and we may soon return to the days when there was no workplace safety, when people worked seven days a week, when there were few if any paid holidays, when there was no health coverage, when children worked long hours in dangerous conditions, when workers were forced to buy everything from the company store...

ahh, the good ol' days.

but i digress from the original post.
