Next they'll make it illegal to eat in the car...listen to your to your passengers...HAVE passengers....

If you get into an accident while on your cell phone, and it's your fault, you are liable....If you get into an accident and you are not on your cell phone and it's your fault, you are still liable.

I see no need for ANY of these laws.

Millions of folks talk on their cells phones while driving every day without causing an accident. Millions more eat or drink or talk while operating a motor vehicle without causing accidents. Some few of these, either cell phone users, eaters, drinkers, or talkers, WILL cause accidents. So will quite a few who become angry, are in a hurry, are tired, aren't good driers, or are inexperienced drivers. The numbers are small and the laws in place about liability and insurance and who is at fault already adress ALL of this.

The LAST thing this country needs is more laws.

Making additional laws about things like this is just another method to chip away at our freedoms.

Just a contrary opinion.
