I am also a huge Tilly hat fan. Like Warren, I grew up working on farms as a kid and never wore a hat unless I was on the baseball field. As I grew older, I would get a really bad sun burn on my face, neck and ears the first couple of outings; but never worried much about skin cancer. The edges of my ears would get slightly "crispy", but the skin would peel and I'd be okay for another season. About 12 years ago, I decided to avoid the pain of my annual sunburn and crispy ears so I started wearing a ball cap. It did okay for my face (mainly my forehead) but it left my ears and the back of my neck exposed. After reading about Tilley hats, I shopped around and found one on sale and I couldn't be happier. Very comfortable and as Jack Hise alluded to, very durable. I now avoid my annual sunburns and hopefully will retain my youthful beauty I now have a Tilly for fishing that I've dyed olive green and one that I use for yardwork and gardening that I left white. Great hats and well worth the money even at full price.

Jim Smith