I have been a Network Administrator for the last 15 years. Business demands that documents be sent via email many times. Employees cannot be 100% controlled and will have stuff emailed to them and will open attachments even if they are not supposed to. Deanna would never have an article for the site if it wasn't emailed to her.

I don't often make flat statements like this but to suggest that no one ever open any kind of attachment, is ludicrous and filled with paranoia. I think the term fear covers it quite well. Take reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your data, of course. Be aware of where the attachments are coming from to the best of your ability and use virus protection to cover your rear from there. Are you 100% protected? Nope, but in 15 years, I have never been infected and no one in any of the 3 companies I was in charge of the network at was infected.

If you wish to live in fear and paranoia, then do so. It's your life and your machine. Personally, I like getting pictures of my grandkids via email as attachments.