I do see one thing I like of your Yak there ....Ummm Geezer....nope not comfy useing your handle...LOL..I see your NOT!!!...A Geezer that is!!! ...

And that's the stern anchor....I gotta find a way to add one to this Outback....not sure how with the rudder system....I do have the rigs I saved fore and aft from my Canoe.....

Got my rudder system installed tonight!!! works great...(without having actual water testing) just yet....was a bit tricky....with the tension of the rudder lines already conected and pre set...

But all's ready except my need for a launch permit....Funny I've owned and used two other Non Powered water craft....without ever knowing I needed a permit to use PFBC Property and ramps.....Just assumed since they did not need registration...they were good to go...Still learning I guess!!!