Hey Leonard, I had a great time and would love to hit Taneycomo with you when it's not to crowded. P.S. your bacon wrapped jalepeno stuffed shrimp were excellent. I also had a great time meeting fellow FAOLers and other new people as well as seeing some old friends.
The show was very nice and I plan on going next year for sure.

The fishing was fantastic. I fished with Big Willy and we tore them up on friday between roundhouse and armstrong hole. I landed over 50 that day alone and Willy almost 30 nothing real big but very heavy shoulderd rianbows that keep you on your toes and gave my 4wt a work out but good.
I caght most of the fish on a grey epoxy back scud and I mean the same one. I also tore them up on a pattern I call the Dena it is an olive bugger variation and also olive sculpin immitations on the swing were deadly.

I learned a great caddis pattern from Davy Wotton and got to chat with him quite a bit.
Saw some incredible tyers and flies also.

Like they said earlier Denny has some great feathers for a very reasonable price and I am glad I ran out of money or I would have more than I could ever use.

Thanks for a great time! Chad