I am using the tenkara USA 4.5 level line on both rods. On neither rod does the weight seem to be adequate to cast very light flies with no additional weight. Last night I had the yamame 7:3 out and, as fish were feeding on the surface, decided to switch from the micro jig/ large strike indicator to a hare's ear with a black soft hackle dropper & small strike indicator rig. It was difficult to cast this setup with the yamame so I switched from the small strike indicator to the large one thus making the flies much easier to cast. For both the hera and the tenkara rod I need heavier line if I want to fish flies without additional weight. In the case of the tenkara rod I think I'll need minimal weight, perhaps a furled tenkara line will do. In the case of the hera rod I think I'll need a section of actual fly line or a heavy furled leader. I'm thinking of using the tips from a multi-tipped fly lines fro this purpose. The tips may prove too heavy but I won't know until I try. It would be nice to be able to fish at least the smaller bass poppers with the hera rod.
On a different note using the tenkara or hera rod at night is nice. I don't have to deal with loose loops of fly line always getting caught on grass, sticks and weeds in the dark. I also can fish in areas without much room for back casting as a quick and short stroke is all that is needed for the cast. Last night I caught a couple of bluegills in a spot I couldn't fish with my conventional fly tackle.