Many times in mid to late Summer, I fish small dries or nymphs or sometimes a terrestrial with a micus shrimp dropper from 6:00 P.M. until dark. I then switch over to a #2 muddler or a big mouse for night time browns and fish until 2:00 or 3:00 A.M. The coolest set-up I have found is to tie the butt section of your leader to the line with a nail knot. This is for good turn over and transition w/o the resistance and hingeing of a hand shake loop at the junction of the fly line. I then tie a perfection loop down at about .010" or .090" on the leader. I handshake the rest of the leader down from there. I find that this allows you to switch leaders for different dry fly conditions w/o having to change the whole leader. This works since the upper leader is more of a function of the fly line than it is of the fly size. This also allows me to handshake a level leader of .090" for big muddlers and mice later on when you have to change when it is almost dark. You can even tie the level leader into the muddler or mouse and just reloop when you want to change after dark. Less time spent with your light on and all the bugs in the world coming round about you.

Thats the way I do it.
