Unfortunately for the consumer, MOST of the time the quality of restaurant food is directly related to the price you pay for it unless the items are specialities of the house. It's not necessarily because of the quality of the food, but the prep & skill required to make everything from scratch. Not every restaurant has a real chef or someone on staff who has the talent & skill to make sauces, soups, dressings and the other goodies that most restaurants buy already prepared. It costs a lot less in salary and time to buy crap in a can, bag, box, bottle or jar, especially when you factor in shelf life and portion control. Of course some restaurant owners go that route only because they are lazy, cheap, stupid and undeserving of any business they get. That's one of the reasons so many fail.

Sorta like this guy!

I always tell folks if you want a real eye opener, go to a Sam's Club, Costco or one of the other warehouse stores and peruse the isles, ESPECIALLY the frozen food section. You will often see some of your favorite restaurant entrees, appetizers and desserts all ready to go in a big bag with LOTS of extra ingredients thrown in. Think about that the next time you order jalapenos poppers, wings, potato skins, zucchini sticks and other menu staples. Another thing I've done is watch what gets delivered to my favorite hash house from the suppliers. If you see lots of cartons and cans on the hand truck and not a lot of fresh veggies, you know what you are in for!

Bon appitite!