skin the entire bird very carefully and salt the skin then tack the skin salted side down onto a piece of plywood. make sure you cut the flesh out of the wing at least to the first joint and salt any areas that might have meat still in them heavily. spread the wings and tail out so that the bird looks like it is in flight, and allow it to dry like that in a warm place for a few days. after a couple of days the main portion of the skin will have dried but the pieces like the wings and tail will still be somewhat soft. Unpin the skin, flip it over and HEAVILY salt the areas that are still moist. leave the skin to dry upside down, on a clean surface until the tail and wings are stiff. once that happens you may choose to either cut the pelt into small pieces so that you can put it into bags in your kit or, my favorite, you can attach the hide to a piece of cardboard that is cut to shape and hang it on the wall at your tying bench. when properly salted and dried there will be no odor.

I'll try to post a picture later of a pheasant that I have done this way to give you an idea what the end product looks like.
