Oh how I miss the glory days of a few years ago on the river, days when catching 100 fish was easy.

Years when I would drive 1.5 hours each way, climbing over motionless freight trains hoping they wouldn't lurch, just to get to her banks to fish for an hour.

There were warmer years when I was still standing in the middle of the Suskie, in the middle of December. There were cool dark August nights fishing long past midnight when the sound of a passing train was all you would hear and there was wet wading on hot summer days, watching the bald eagles soaring overhead.

I haven't fished her since 2008 after more than a few years of serious decline. I said I give her 5 years, figuring she needed a break, time to heal, time for the bass to come back to the levels that made her as spectacular to fish, as to just behold.

I hope it doesn't take much longer!