Thank you flyguy66. I think you've told me that I can conceivably get a little more distance up close. I've now read the above replies to this string and they have raised another question for me. Some of you have cast this rod and some of you have not. I have not obviously. As a matter of fact I've not cast as many different rods as most of you. I've been involved in fly fishing for some time but don't get a chance to do it very often so I'm interested in what you all have to say about such things. I'm also interested in trying things that make my life simpler. Question. Do many people do such things as rotational movements and curve casts? Question 2. If a guy can learn to do these movements if necessary with most any rod? I'm not trying to make trouble here, I'm just trying to understand about some of these things. If this rod can shoot more line than most rods (I believe back there somewhere one guy called it amazing) how can it lose power on the backcast? Isn't this where the power to shoot line comes from? The two statements seem like a bit of an oxymoron to me. I assume from this talk that the rod is curved in the vertical plane so that it transfers the most power in that plane. Hence the tip to keep the reel pointed at the target. Is it possible that the rod transfers way more power in this plane than any other so that when one gets off plane it acts more like anormal rod instead of this power rod? Last questions. Can anyone tell me what 4 piece rod weighs less than three ounces. I've never seen one. 3.7 ounces seems pretty light to me. What should an average 2 piece rod weigh? If someone makes a 4 piece that is less than 3 ounces wouild that mean their 2 piece is like closer to 2 ounces? I didin't think that was possible. Sorry for all the questions.