Having done more than several stints as a commercial tyer I can assure you it will not make you rich...

Start by preparing materials for at least a dozen flies at once... I would often do lots of 50. You want every piece of all materials to be as exactly alike as possible.

Count thread wraps and minimize their number as much as possible. Not only will the flies hold up better without excess thread, but they will all look more uniform.

Try to develop a rhythm with each material as it is tied in, again so everything is exactly the same...

Do not try to compete for speed until you have tied a LOT of the same fly. PT nymphs must be tied far faster than 4 minutes each to be worthwhile. Depending on the exact pattern a serious commercial tyer will do them well under a minute each.

It is impossible to compete with Third World sweat shops, so stick to big local complicated flies for maximum return on your efforts....