
I will submit this, but, I do not consider myself the "guru" of furled leaders so I am sure someone is and will respond.

I started with Kathy's DVD and learned the basics from that and then decided that I wanted a longer furled leader. I did not want to destroy the integrity of Kathy's formula, because it works, so I decided that I would increase the distance between pegs the same throughout. By this I mean, if I added 3 inches between Peg 1 and 2 then I would increase the distance between the other pegs the same 3 inches. This worked out fine. Now I do listen to others and read their posts and listen to their logic for things they do and now have a different formula that seems to work very well for me. John Scott posted that he feels the butt section should be the longest of any furled leader and to me this makes sense for the turn-over just like it makes sense for Wluff Triangle Taper fly line. You have larger diameter turning over smaller diameter throughout the leader/fly line. With that thought in my mind I have the following measurments that I use for my furled leaders which makes a leader about 6 feet long which I really like for my style of fishing. My pegs are as follows: Distance between Peg 1 & 2 is 32" - Distance between Peg 2 & 4 is 25" - Distance between Peg 4 & 3 is 25"
If you add up 32" + 25" + 25" you end up with 82" and if you twisted each leg until they are 10% shorter you end up with 73.8" and if you divide that by 12" in a foot you end up with a leader about 6.15 feet long. This length will vary with what material you use. At the present time I am only using Vanish Transition Gold Fluorocarbon because 99.9% of my fly fishing is with sub-surface flies and I want my furled leaders to sink and this material sinks very well for me. I do not feel I will be changing my formula anytime soon unless a post is made that interest me enough to do more experimenting. I am not afraid of thinking out of the box and experimenting.