Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Jesse View Post
I am a relative novice to this whole business of tying flies for trout.... The whole subject of glass or plastic beads is challenging to me. I have used a few larger black glass beads for nymph heads and some small clear (diamond it say son the pack for color) for some soft hackles but am somewhat lost at what to buy and where to find them. Walmart has beaucoup beads but are they the right size?

Please educated me. Thank you.
I make jewelry as well as tying flies so I have quite a lot of beads. PM me your address and what size flies you tie and I will send you a wide assortment of beads so you can try them all out and decide what kind you like before buying a whole pack of them. The only kind I wouldn't be able to send you are those tungsten or copper beads which are specially made for fly tying because I don't have them as they are much more expensive than just buying jewelry beads.
I will also label the types of beads (if I know them) so you can find them at a craft store or online. All I ask is that you not buy beads from Wal-Mart if at all possible. I'd rather supply you with all the beads that you'd ever need. And you won't find the fly-tying specific beads there anyways.
