Just we're all the same page:

-What Norm was pointing out was that Krystal Flash is a kinky flash material. (I think Krystal Flash is marketed by Wapsi but I could be wrong on that)
-Flashabou (which is a registered brand name from Hedron Inc.) is pretty much the same as Christmas tree tinsel (only usually skinnier and in more colors).
-Angel hair flash is a very fine mostly flat flash material, and if all other Angel flash is like the few colors I have, the hank you buy, the fibers are not all the same length. If you have some of this you know what I'm taking about when I say you can just pull some out without cutting it.
-Wing -n- Flash is Hedron's version of Angel flash. They make PolarFlash as well.

By the way 'Flashabou Accent' is kinky flashabou.

Hope this clears up the mass confusion in flash material (although there are still dozen's of variations not mentioned).