It has been mentioned about this model of Olympus not being a very good night photography camera. I beg to differ. The only reason I used a flash on most of these is that I did not have a tripod with me:

Once I tackle this thing with my tripod I will be able to experiment with different settings for night photography. There are plenty of light weight packable tripods to take on the stream at night with you. I got one from Target last year.

You can also attach a string to a short bolt that fits in the mounting hole in the bottom of the camera. Tie a large washer to the other end of the string. Make certain that the string is long enough so that when you hold it a chin level the washer lies flat on the ground. Attach the other end of the string to the bolt, screw the bolt into the camera, stand on the washer and pull the camera until the string is tight. Presto, instant roll up tripod!