Thank you so much everybody!

I really appreciate your taking the time and found the discussion interesting, enjoyable and instructive. And I also enjoyed the beautiful pictures very much!

John Rhoades shares my concern that one has to look at the LCD screen to take pictures; using others' cameras I have at times found it difficult to see the screen on a sunny day.

Have you seen this very thorough, though a little bit dated review of waterproof cameras? The joint test winners were: Canon PowerShot D10 and Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS1. The Pentax Optio W60 got second place, beating its brother, the W80. (As to the Canon, unfortunately it looks a bit bulky.) The reviews mirror the scores, showing a higher user satisfaction with the Canon and the Panasonic vs the Optio W60. But the Optio is more affordable.

Thanks again.

Tight lines,
