Ms Goddess--
A cold October about 5 yrs ago ran into 2 guys 12 miles up the Elwha River in Washington. Don't recall their names one guy was really really good and the other .... well sometimes was 'caught' with spin stuff and fell in the river and we dried him out on the wood stove in the ranger cabin there. visited 2 nights with them. Snow on the trees about 300 ft higher.

One of the guys had just moved (or was about to) move to WA -- Whidbey Island I think.

Here you go. [url=][/url:7379e]

Is not the sky a father and the earth a mother, and are not all living things with feet or wings or roots their children? Give me the strength to walk the soft earth, a relative to all that is!

-----Black Elk, Lakota Sioux Holy Man 1863-1950
from: "Black Elk Speaks", pub 1932