Sorry about the delayed response...Been steelhead fishing in the rivers in Northern OH. What kind of sport is this. One day the rivers low, the next day day it's blown out. The only good thing out of all of it was meeting up with a dozen or so guys I had been talking with on others sites for a long time.....We're snowed in (BassBug you gotta have a few good inches now, I got a house in Bellefontaine too.)
All these responses put the canoe as the perfect partner to the flyrod. The Zen moment of everything around you being peaceful yet so busy. I was an iron worker all my life and led lt at a fast pace. It's hard to slow things down unless some chemistry affects you to do so. I find those days on the water coming back this winter and allowing me to actually sit and read a book without my mind racing away. No real memories now other than the peacefulness of yesterday and the promise of it tomorrow. At this point to take anything but a flyrod on the canoe is unacceptable. Thanks for all the responses and your stories all say the same thing in the end, the love and dedication keeps us coming back.