I was not going to post to this thread, but, I have to. I cannot agree with anyone who states that The Fly Tyers Benchside Reference by Leeson & Schollmyer is worthless! I have this book plus many, many fly tying pattern books and they all have their place at my tying table. Of what value is a pattern book if a person does not know how to do some of the tying steps to tie a pattern they see? I have been tying flies and teaching beginners how to tie for close to 20 years and I will be the first to tell you that I do not know how to do some of the techniques for some patterns and that is where my copy of The Fly Tyers Benchside Reference comes in. Of course, I could be wrong and I am the only person who does not understand all tying techniques for all patterns. There is a need for a pattern book and there is a need for the benchside reference for: tying in weed guards, tandem hooks, woven bodies, extended bodies, upright wings, spun, flared, stacked and clipped bodies, fur-strip and hide-strip bodies, spinning deer hair and on and on...

Sorry folks, but I just cannot agree with calling this book "junk" and "worthless"

I will get off my soap box now and crawl back into my box....Sorry