Virtually all bamboo has some value to a greater or lesser degree. The problem is determining how much that value is and the manufacturer doesn't always mean it is high or low though it plays an important factor. To me the model of the rod and condition are very big in determining the value. The model is going to tell me how fast the rod is, what action, length, number of pieces, quality of the hardware, mass produced, custom, etc... The manufacturer will tell me where it was made and of course by whom it was made. Keep in mind that even the mass manufacturers made custom or high end rods so the name of the rod and model number is very important to me in determining the value of the rod.

What the seller says in a description means very little unless it is accompanied by detailed photos. Lets face it I can tell anyone that this rod is mint but that doesn't mean a lot unless I can back it up with photos and plenty of them. I have seen so many of these rods described as mint that were actually anything but. Notice that this owner claims the rod has a Bakelite handle? the rod pictured has a cork grip on it though the reel seat ma well be Bakelite but without good pictures and an accurate detailed description one just cannot tell for certain. Now that rod looks like it might be a Horrocks - Ibbotson Governor. If that is so it is a mid grade rod. Some will call it a tomato stake while some, me for example, like those older H-I and Montague rods.

To me even grandfather's Western Auto bamboo rod has value. I just have to decide how much I want to pay for that value. An H-I governor in reasonable shape is probably worth the $65 asking price but if this seller cannot provide more detailed pictures then I would look elsewhere. As a rule of thumb most people pushing these rods on public marketing sites as trying to sell a low end rod as a high end one. They don't necessarily do it on purpose they just think that because it's bamboo and old it is automatically an expensive rod.