
I use an awful lot of peacock herl. I buy the strung stuff rather than the whole feathers simply for convenience.

I used to be able to buy decent stuff off the wall at craft shops. Now it's all pretty thin. It's fine for smaller patterns, as you've noticed, but wasn't full enough for much of my tying. Even the off brand herl at most fly shops nowadays is pretty sorry stuff.

While I purchase materials at the fly shop only when absolutely necessary, I do buy my peacock herl from Orvis. I have found that their 'large' herl in the 'big' package (enough for several thousand flies) is by far the best available of what I've seen. I use between two and five herls together to wrap most herl requiring patterns that I tie, and if I buy the 'good stuff' I can use fewer strands to get the same result. For me, this means that it's actually more cost effective to use than the 'cheaper' off brand stuff.

Orvis does mail order, and if you are having trouble finding good herl, try ordering some of theirs. There is no risk, as they have an unconditional guarantee and will take it back if you don't like. Or, if you have an Orvis shop near you, they will either have it or get it for you and you can avoid the shipping costs.

Good Luck!
