I used to belong to a BB down Utah way, but got beat up so often as well as had to put up with the bad language, that I finally said "enough" and walked away and haven't missed it once since. I can only imagine what those guys on that board must be like when on the water and I wouldn't want to be anywhere near them.

On the other hand, there are many here at FAOL that I have met and fished with, as well as many others I would consider it a priviledge to fish with any time or any where.

It takes courage to live a higher standard as well as to expect it of others. I don't force my beliefs on anyone, yet I do expect a sense of civility, tact, personal fothrightness and pride from others, since I will always try to give the same. My mother said it best, "do unto others...", and I try to be that type of person. Bad language and bad behaviors don't have a place anywhere, ever. There's no excuse for lack of character and decorum when interacting with each other.

Anyway, 'nuff said, just my 2-cents. Thanks for the article that is and will be thought-provoking for some time to come.
