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Thread: The Herter left me hurtin'

  1. #1

    Default The Herter left me hurtin'

    Alright, I went out this morning to an urban lake that's virtually in my back yard and thought i would throw around a wolly bugger on my fiberglass 4wt that I am allowing to break me in as I relearn this fly tossing stuff... My leader is all knotted, I caught my hat twice, my shirt once, and my crotch once, No fish... I just couldn't get a good cast on it no matter what.

    Then the bugs came out. LIttle white mayflies came and fell to the water. I was so *** i didn't have anything that matched. I only have about three small flies one is a #26 nymph ( Purchased only because it's so ***** tiny) a #20 that looked like a more developed version of the previous mini fly, and finally a #18 something or other that I couldn't tell you what it's called- I should really take pictures and notes so I can tell you what the heck these things are.... ( I'm thinking about learning to tie flies just so I remember what I'm throwing...)

    I took the bigger of the three, closest I had to what was flying around, strapped it on and let her fly....

    It flew like an angel. No wind knots, no low casts, nothing but picture perfect, smooth, tight, gorgeous loops stringing out that leader and floating the fly back to earth with such a soft landing I swore I snapped off my fly.

    Then the beast nailed it.

    Let me clear, I haven't caught a bloody thing with a fly EVER. Never had a bite to speak of up until this point. So when this giant slurping white whale came out of the lake engulfing that fly and snapping it's mouth shut with an audible 'pop' before belly flipping back into the waters from whence it came, I nearly **** myself, dropped my rod and bid the lake good morrow.

    however, all I managed was a "gah!" and a line strip that brought the line taut and the tip down. Then I let go of the line and listened to the reel spin out.

    The fight was a while, and attracted the male members of a family that were fishing about forty yards east of me. ( Daddy, waht's he doing?" "Fly fishing" "What's that?" " It's how you fish for trout" yup... not me, I fish for whatever is going to bite- not that they do....) the boy was asking his daddy for a fly rod as the fifth minute rolled around. I finally got it up to the surface and realized what I had- a white amur, about 36-40 inches long. What the **** it was doing pounding my fly I had no clue, but there he was, about four feet from the bank when it did something that looked like it slapped itself in teh face with his tail fin, left side first, then in christian devotion, turned the other cheek.

    The twang I heard when it went tot he right cheek was horrifying. the fluorescent line shooting back at me was a let down and the swirl of the monster retreating left me with little left to do than flop on my but and proclaim, " I don't believe it, and I was holding the blasted rod... "

    wil I become a fiberglass fanatic? probably not. Am I hooked? yup. Only thing left to do is get mor hours so i can buy more flies. Little ones. Lots of little ones. and... that floaty stuff. Maybe I'll catch something I can take a picture of. That'd be a hoot!

    Lesson learned: four wt fiberglass is crap for wolly buggers- but bitty flies? yup...

    ( Bythe way, the kid will be searching for a TFO Bug Launcher. His dad is taking him to Bass Pro Shop today to look into a casting class on teh 23rd, and they have my number- Just in case.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    That's hilarous, you should join the writers' guild. Welcome to the club of crappy casters, keep it up it will get better.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nunica Mi U S A


    Sounds like lots of fun. The four weight should cast most wooly buggers. Try adjusting your leader. It sounds like you have a five or six X tippet with a big air resistant fly.
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    I haven't had this much fun, without a fly rod in my hands, in a very, very long time!!! Thank you!
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  5. #5


    I took the leader that worked with the whole hook number divided by 4+1... uh.. came to a 4X.... Which looking at my leader packaging leaves me at a loss for what size any of my flies are....Had pictures of the rod reel and fly, but they didn't come out- I'll try again later with something better than my camera.

    Betty, no problem. I like sharing my stumbling, bumbling and faceplanting talents. Let's the kindred spirits know they aren't alone...

    uncle Jessie.. There's a writer's guild?! don't they expect someone to be capable of writing to join?
    Last edited by papaguss; 10-16-2010 at 07:45 PM. Reason: I'm a dork.

  6. #6


    No, just someone that can paint a picture with words papaquss and you've got that nailed for sure. Great account of your monster on what sounds like a small fly. Pinky nail size would be around 18,
    16, maybe even a size 14. Thumbnail size would be around a 12 or 10. DO learn to tye flies..you'll love it and you'll get all the help you need from the cheering secition here in FAOL over on the fly tying
    board. If you want to land something as big as you hooked, 3X, even 2X would help...you might have more fun with a fly that's a bit bigger and as mentioned, adjust your leader shorter and you'll be
    able to turn it over easier with the larger, bulkier flies. Main thing, have more fun !


    Last edited by MontanaMoose; 10-18-2010 at 06:36 PM.

  7. #7


    OH! it was a black gnat or something, size #20 with a white thorax!!!! I went to Bass Pro and hunted it down- forgot to write it'sname though. shorten the leader, you say? huh, never thoguht of that- but I'm new, plus, for the majority of my life I've lived by a simple motto. " thiking only lands me in trouble..."
    My mom says it's all physics. I say that's my problem.. Just look at my old report cards....

  8. #8


    went out again today- I am determined to get that 4wt fiberglass under control. I first went to one of the many irrigation canals that crisscross around simply to throw a fly into the water. Seriously didn't even think there were fish in these things- I Found Carp! I've never fished for carp- I know that they are considered sport fish in Europe, this could get fun.

    I threw on a fly- a black #14 popper with long green legs and red tinsel and started casting. Called it "practice" worked on getting that fly where I wanted it ahead and away from them so I could strip it through their feeding lane or whatever- I have found a song I love. "Ssssfrap! Reeeeeeee!" my pole tip lurched to the water, the line strained against the guides and then my mind caught up. " Holy carp- it worked??!" fight on, brothers and sisters! dang thing would get lose to the shore and laugh, rip out line and then allow me to pull it back up and towards the bnk- to peel off some more, back and forth we went, once in a while, I would walk up the shore opposite the current to keep more pressure on his run.

    Finally got up up, off and through him back- my eye was already aiming for his sister... I cast, confidence overflowing, I send the line forward- but he resists. pressure still on the like I slowly turn my head and there, with my leader wrapped around it like ribbon on a Christmas preset. Aghast, I stare, m eyes following the trail of line and leader to popper fly through the tangles; and turning inward I try to map out the how... Imps, gremlins and fairies have to be involved- I'm calling my congressman about it.

    after untangling the mess I decide I want more flies. then to nother urban lake. U hate fishing these with a fly because there's a crap load of trees everywhere, people to and fro- and it's just usually a nasty issue. Roll casting is the only way. Popper don't fail me now, I think to myself- I Want a Blue Gill Lunch!- it failed me, but it was fun. I finally am getting the hang of all the bits and pieces- as long as I don't have a wolly worm on there I'm an artist at work. IN my opinion...

    I started off simply getting the line out there and watching the popper s I stripped it in, then I started working on aiming for those special pockets- the reeds and such- no tangles, clean, silent casts... Learning that my guides are sticky- that's another thing I have to learn about- how to fix things on the rod... there's got to be class there....

    I could see the fish looking at my offerings come right up for a sniff.. hang there looking at it like Dori from "Little Nemo" playing with the lure fish's glowing nodule.

    Screw im, I was having fun, I circled around, and just worked on chucking hat thing where ever I wanted- I lost one fly- no fish, but I figured out the Single haul, just pull back cast and toss it forward. Lovely. The fur wt line I pt on was wonderful, the tapered leader is not 7.5 feet anymore, I lost a few feet, I think it's maybe four or five feet now? I don't care, it's turning these #14 poppers. I'm satisfied. two hours of tossing the bugs and it's home to realize that I wasn't wearing skin protection... Not a good idea. the fish are deep here in Mesa, AZ. It's fricking 96? and that's not a happy place for fish. I need to get some wet flies and some play.... Time to find carp flies.. that was fun...
    My mom says it's all physics. I say that's my problem.. Just look at my old report cards....

  9. #9


    Great thread. Also couldn't help but laugh at this---

    quote---Last edited by papaguss; 10-16-2010 at 03:45 PM. Reason: I'm a dork. ---unquote


  10. #10


    Good show papaguss, i love it when someone with your enthusiasm writes about new fish and new songs....



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