Thanks all.

I've tied a few Black Ghosts with feather wing streamers, so thought I would add the bucktail version to the box. Oddly, although I know I have a few of these tied up, I keep overlooking them when I think to tie on a streamer. I know this is a very productive pattern (from other people's reports) so I must remember to get it in the wet stuff next time I'm in the mood!

I'm also looking to try out the Sweeney Todd, and from Donald's research above, I should make sure to try it soon.

Hmmm, add in a Black bodied Mickie Finn (which I admit I've never heard of before!), and suddenly we're starting to see a pattern here. With black bodied streamers attracting a high "must try" vote.

That's interesting, because I'm partial to silver bodied streamers in terms of what I usually tie on. The above Mickie Finn is one I just don't like to be without (it's the Nova Scotian in me). And another of my own patterns (Hammlim Minnow; posted as a FOTW a while back) is also silver bodied and one of my most productive lake patterns. After that, I like yellow and/or bright orange bodied ones ; I like the sparklies I think!

Must give these black bodied flies a more complete testing next time I'm on some appropriate water.

- Jeff