Some of the best kayak/canoe fly fishing outfitters I know and I have been talking about this trend of float tube and kayak fishing for big game fish, especially saltwater and backcountry stuff. This whole idea of "extreme" sports is fine, I guess, for an individual who wants to take the risks on themselves. But there are guides and outfitters offering these things for hire. That is simply wreckless, stupid, and immoral. Float tubing for tarpon, for example, is nothing more than trolling yourself as shark bait! I personally know of two fairly large shallow bay boats that have been scuttled and anglers hospitalized by tarpon in the past 2 years. Not by sharks while tarpon fishing, but my tarpon that jumped and ended up in the boats. I have also seen a home video of a marlin coming through a kayak angler's kayak while on the hook, destroying the boat, tackle, and knocking the angler into the water stunned. I have also seen home video of a father and son landing a swordfish when it flinched and impaled the son through the chest and killed him. That kayak angler (won't mention any names, but he takes clients out to do it) is "extreme"ly lucky to be alive! Smart kayak anglers won't even attempt big game fish from a kayak. It's foolishly dangerous. Too many things can go wrong. Float tube? You just added several more layers of stupid!

The job of an outfitter/guide is to offer anglers SAFE recreational opportunities. Challenging? Yes. Some level of risk? Sure. Recklessly dangerous? Never! And these sorts of things are no different than going bear hunting with a .22, climbing Mt. Everest in shorts, flip-flops, and a tshirt, or attempting to cross the Serengeti with a 2 liter Coke on a kid's tricycle. If you're an extreme adventurer daredevil type who wants to self-fund and self-outfit such stupidity to test yourself against all odds and try to get your 15 minutes of fame on YouTube, that's between you and Fate. But for someone calling themselves a professional service provider to offer that to the public is unethical. And that's our unanimous opinion so far.