Those are very nicely tied, the floss work is exceptionally clean.

As an aside, a bloody butcher, is a different fly (or at least, there is a different fly also by that name), so I would suspect the Bloody Asher for the red one is probably the correct name. The dressing for a bloody butcher as I know it is:
Hook : 10-14 wet fly (usually)
Tail: red hackle fibres
rib: silver wire
body: flat silver tinsel/mylar
hackle: red hackle fibres, usually tied as a throat
wing: slips from the blue patch off a mallard primary

If the hackle is black, it's just a "butcher". I've had a lot of success with the Bloody Butcher above. The butcher is one of those flies that was banned on some UK streams as being unsportsmanlike to use. Not sure if the clubs still hold to such bans today.

- Jeff