My memory isn't what it used to be, so just to make sure it wasn't just my imagination, I just took a look at another well known forum. Here's the advice given for a starter outfit -

ABC's Pick

1. Fly Rod: TFO 5wt, 9' length. $149.95, Redington Red.Fly 2, 9' 5wt. $99.00
2. Fly Reel: Lamson Konic $129, Redington Rise 5/6 $159
3. Fly Line: RIO Selective Trout II WF-Floating $65, SA Mastery WF-Floating $65
4. Estimated Cost: $293 to $374, Based on equipment selected.

XYZ's Pick

1. Fly Rod: Sage Launch 9' 5 weight 2 pc. $199. 4 pc. $225
2. Fly Reel: Lamson Konic 2 $129.
3. Fly Line: Rio Selective Trout $64.
4. Estimated Cost: $375. to $425

I don't necessarily think this advice is bad, as long as the new person is sure they will like fly fishing, and have the funds available. However if funds are tight, or I'm just toying with giving it a try, I may decide to try something else.