It is the economy, may people are still without jobs, companies are still laying off employees, or shorting their hours. When have two political parties that are not participating together to resolve the countries economic woe's! The country's government budgets are in the red, more going out than coming in.

In the 1930's Will Rodgers said,"It is a Recession when the other guy is out of work, it is a Depression when you are out of work!"

The government say that the nation is in a recession, to to many it feel like a depression!

Needs, Wants, and What You Get, are three different items, for most households. Sometimes you have to do without.

Today we live in a Global Economy, where many jobs and manufacturing and business in the United States, have been shipped oversea.

The world is in crisis, the common person is hunkered down in their bunkers, waiting out this economic and moral collapse of our government and businesses. We are small people, with the big boys battling for control of our government. They do not care who they hurt, to push forward their parties agenda's!

Professional Sports Atheletes get paid more in one year than most families make in a lifetime. They play their games in ballparks and stadiums that where built from the taxpayers pocket book with sales tax increases on the families purchases. This county is now divided between the few that have too much, and the many that have too little!

Fly Fishing is too expensive to start, when you barely getting food on the table, keeping a roof over your families head, and wondering if you will have a job next week.