Quote Originally Posted by Colston Newton View Post
I have read the Sage thread. You buy a great XP and then, they come up with another and we are supposed to buy that? What's up with that? Reminds me of golfers buying new drivers to brag about at the 19th hole.

I have rod that are new (ish) and old slow glass and boo. I have never understood the need to go buy whatever the makers put out. I don't understand why we buy the things...of course the first fish I caught was on a hand line baited with crab.
<repeat> Who says anything about have to buy??
<new> And you know the good thing about this constant increase in technology?? A couple of years from now you will be able to buy a brand new rod from cabellas for $80 that has the same tech that todays $800 rod has. 10 years ago you bought a $70 rod ( we are talking lower price point than TFO) and it was CRAP!! Now you can pick up a rod for even $50 from say albright and it is darned good, especially compared to 10 years ago. You can buy a trout rod for $50 that is light, casts nicely at what you need for a small trout stream, and isnt a heavy club like a $50 rod would of been 10 years ago. Times are good, turn that frown upside down!! Just because G Loomis is coming out with 2 handed NRX's that cost $1200 doesnt mean you have to buy them. HECK, rumor has it that TFO is coming out with RODs that use the new resin that 3m just produced.