Over the years I found two rod series that matched my fishing and casting style perfectly. I bought a few of each series. I had years of total joy with that first series and had zero regrets of buying them in all of the many times I used them. Then another series came out a few years ago that trumped my old favorites in every way I desire so I broke down and bought into the new series. I sold the old series easily for not much less than I paid for them but I had the luxury and joy of using them frequently in all of the years I owned them. In both sets of rods I never had regrets in buying them. How could I? I had the best of rods and the family still had a nice roof over their heads and plenty of food to eat. We all were smiling. That right there is hard to beat.
It's not like I wore these rods as a badge of honor. In fact, the job I had allowed me the time and priveledge to travel and chase runs and hatches all year long and fish a whole lot during the work week. I could have made a few more bucks sitting in a cubicle waiting for my one-to-two week vacation to fish, but for some of us money isn't everything and you certainly can't take it with you. I never wanted to be the type who spent life hoarding and worrying over every cent then died rich. Like the old man before me, I just want to leave this world comfortable and smiling.