Hi Zac,

With the way I've done on bluegills lately, my opinions aren't worth much, but be that as it may, if only taking 12 flies I would take(not in order of priority):

1. Jitterbee #10 or #12 black and chartreuse
2. Cap spider #10 or #12 olive
3. Gray hackle peacock #8 or #10
4. Pheasant tail #12
6. GRHE #10
7. Olive and orange #10 or #12 (bead head, olive chenille body, orange tail, it's a no hackle bugger)
8. Bright color streamer, small (#10 maybe), such as Rick Z's Goldie
9. Midge dry, #18 Griffiths gnat
10. Damsel fly nymph #12
11. Black bugger #10
12. Woolly worm #10 yellow

Basically I would go with sinking flies, because that is what I have basically done the best with in the fall.

