Thank you Steven, that says most of it.
But as a current boy scout I have had training in this area, and there are just a few more things to touch on.

First, I want to stress the importance of staying away from trees, and finding a low spot. But stay out of field; this will automatically make you the tallest object in the area and a target for lightning. The safest place to be in a storm is in your car-rubber tires, and non-conductive frame.

But sometimes you can't get to your car, or you are out in a big field, or on a lake, and storm is upon you before you can get to a safe spot.
What do you do?

Make yourself as low as possible, lie down do whatever you can. Sometimes this does not work and you will be struck, but this is not the end. While lightning can be fatal, it does not have to be. Many people have survived strikes.

The trick is the lightning crouch. When you are going to be struck by lightning you can feel static in the atmosphere, and your hair stands up on end. This is when you use the lightning crouch and fast.
You lean forward into a crouching position with you head between your knees and below them if possible.
When/if the lightning strikes what happens is it hits you back and travels down your spine. But lightning hates curves and it essentially is shot out your butt. This will detour the lightning around your heart and save you from death. This might sound harsh but what's the alternative...

Fishin' squirt,
Michael E.