I agree, it is nice when they give you the fly they were working on. But if it is a fly with expensive material like Real Eyes Plus, and expensive feathers, plus hooks...maybe that is why they don't give it away. I have just started going to tie ins, and I usually give away flies like you said, if they watched the whole thing, and seemed interested I do.
Oh, I usually give my son quite a few of the flies I tie. I lose quite a few.
Quote Originally Posted by kglissmeyer View Post
I give them away, sell a few and mostly I fish them. Most of my tying is for upcoming outings and I usually tie up the regular producers on that piece of water, but then I'll tie up a couple of new ones, just to try them out.
When I tie at shows and such I always give my flies to those who have patiently sat and watched and listened to my ramblings. I'm surprised at how many tiers at shows don't give out the flies they've tied. Some sell them, and some just don't share. To each their own I guess.
