Quote Originally Posted by Betty Hiner View Post
Hadn't realized Fenwick did the brown glass, but appears they indeed did! Only one I could find to give a price idea for you was on ebay, and they were selling the "vintage" rod for 25 bucks. I can't imagine myself fishing with a rod that size ... but what a hoot it would be to add to the arsenal!!! Fenwicks are great fun! You have far more will power than I if you were able to walk away from it!!!!
Yea, I was surprised that it was brown too. I thought most of those rods were yellow. I picked up a yellow one at a flea market a few years ago that had actually been made into a spinning rod. I stripped everything off including the handle and made a flyrod out of it. It made a nice rod but it is a very soft action. And I do mean soft-bends right into the handle. But it is a kind of nice old vintage rod. Some of those old glass rods are great casters.
