
If you ever get a chance to fish the "Run" at Boiling Springs, PA that feeds into the Yellow Breeches, a bread fly can be deadly.

Maybe that's where Vocelli was fishin' .

In any case the locals feed the trout bread and any white marabou fly will work during the feeding frenzy. I actually saw some guy chumming with bread while fishing and he got caught by the Warden, it was hysterical! Unscrupulous me caught more than a few fish on white streamers while this idiot was breaking the law.

In my search for the patterns that imitate the weird things trout will eat, I have fashioned two versions of a French Fry Fly, one with ketchup the other without, it worked great on trout that lived in a stream behind a McDonald's, really! I also have a Cigarette Butt Fly but I only have a regular version, no menthol. Both are fashioned of clipped deer hair.

I also at one time had a Penny Fly for fish that swam around in wishing wells or ponds and a Loogie Fly, a blend of green and white marabou for streams where Longshoremen fish.

I never got around to making a Chewing Gum Fly or Gum Wrapper Fly but I have been working on a Sunflower Seed Fly made of clipped and spun deer hair for these gills that attack the sunflower seeds I often time munch on while fishing.

By the way, the Cigarette Butt and French Fry flies are DEADLY on ducks if Mallard fishing ever becomes legal in PA.