Hey guys great tips and stories and all. I thought this might be an ignored or low reply thread. Thanks for keeping it interesting.

Here's a story that I have been wanting to share but never found the right time or place. My wife noticed that we had some old chinese noodles in the cabinet that were outdated, so she took that and some old bread with us when we went to a different pond (this one's a storm water retaining pond that always has water). There're always ducks there and we've fed them in the past. When it got time to throwing the chinese noodles (these are the 1/8" thick 1" long hard noodles that LaChoy and other companies sell at grocery stores) the ducks were going nuts over them, only they were too hard for the ducks to eat. We were about to give up and throw the noodles away, thinking we didn't want any ducks to choke, when all of a sudden a frenzy of feeding was going on. Apparently some of the noodles got water logged and sank, the catfish that feed on the bottom must have eaten them and they were rising to get more. We started throwing more of the noodles in, after seeing this, and the fish were having a field day. As a matter of fact the ducks got ticked off and started to nip at the fish. See, once the noodles had been in the water a while, they softened and the ducks were able to eat them, so they were fighting over them with the fish and when the fish wood get a noodle that the duck was after, he/she would get nipped. It was LOL funny to watch. I was almost rolling on the wood deck that was built over the pond.

I've never seen that before. I have fed fish with bread, I have fed ducks with bread, but never both at the same time (normally ducks are much quicker than the fish, I guess the noodles evenned out the odds for the fish).
