Well - all bets were off today, as well as the fishing. Just around my lunch break the skies opened up and it started raining again - too hard to fish in. No thunder or lightning - just a deluge similar to what we've had over the past 2-3 days. The pond that I fish in is nearly topping over the spillway - up 12-18 inches from where it was only a week ago. Good thing is that if I'm going to use my tube anytime soon I should have enough clearance and won't have to kick through all those vegetation mats to get to clear water.

So I'm hoping for some clear skies and bluegill/bass fishing tomorrow during my girls afternoon nap time. Fortunately we have a DVR so I won't miss the Germany-Uruguay world cup game in case the fish are hitting!

I'm also VERY anxious to try out the flies that Rick Z so generously sent my way. Now I'm more determined than every to find a way to set up my bench and repay the favor.